Looking to make Valentines day more interesting with a fun personalized gift?!
Here, we are sharing a bunch of simple crafty gift ideas that you can try making with your kids!
Sharing 2 simple and sweet ideas from DIY network. Nothing shows love than a handmade card. Kids can create their own master pieces for their family teachers and friends and just let their creativity flow with paint, glitters and stickers! Get the tutorial here: DIY NETWORK
A cute personalized Journal, would be such a cute gift for share in the classroom on Valentines day and Teachers would totally love it! Get the tutorial here:DIY NETWOK
Thinking for a thoughtful gift for the special people in your child’s life? Bring a smile on Grandma’s face this Valentines day, with this easy to make thoughful gift! This Footsie Art would be such a special gift for dads as well.
Get the tutorial here: ACRAFTYSPOONFUL
Pic courtesy: Studio DIY
What gets kids all excited!! Balloons for sure! Add a little letter sticker and make it into an exciting conversation bouquet of Balloons! So get the Valentines day party started!! Get the tutorial here: Studio Diy
Pic courtesy: ETSY
For you busy parents, looking to do some fun ideas for Valentine’s day gift, this is a super cute idea. The kit comes with all the items you need to make a fun gift with your kids this valentines for their friends, family & classmates! Shop here: ETSY
Pic courtesy:Momluck.com
A very easy and useful Art idea to use all those broken crayons! You can use new crayons two and use your creativity to add colours.
Its super easy and super fun low-cost idea! Tutorial Here: Momluck.com
Enjoy these fun projects with your little partners!! I Happy Valentine’s day!!